Yoga For You

Now, I understand that this post is a bit out of the norm for me. I thought I would change it up a bit. You know, give you a break from reading about spray paint and glitter.

You see, I’ve been kind of a yoga fan for a couple of years now. By yoga fan, I mean I attend yoga classes here and there. Two a week tops. This might not seem like a huge deal to the average person, but I’m probably the most athletically incapable person you’ll ever meet. Sure, I’m great at lots of other things, but sports have never been one if them. So for me to stick to a mildly regular exercise regimen is pretty huge.

Sadly, not everyone is as impressed by my ability to exercise semi-regularly. You see, my dad has repeatedly voiced that what I’m doing is not actually ‘real yoga’. Apparently what I’ve been doing is ‘just physical exercise’ and not representative of the true meaning of yoga. A couple of years ago, he gave me this book for Christmas. You know, to teach me the true meaning of yoga.

Yoga For You - Tulips & A Terrier

The book written by Indra Devi, who is often credited with bringing the practice of yoga to the Western world, is intended to be a 6 week course to teach you to apply the principles of yoga (real yoga) to your life.

I will say, I do tend to notice an improvement in my overall health when I attend yoga classes more regularly. I sleep better, my joints don’t bother me as much, I’m better at dealing with stress..the list goes on and on.

So, I’m thinking it might be a good idea to give this 6 week course a try! I mean, what do I have to lose? Obviously, there’s something to be said for this practice that’s been around for 6,000 years or so! All of these famous yogis live to be like 400 years old! Ok, that was an exaggeration but most do live to close to, if not past 100 (Indra lived to be 102!).

Ready for my plan? Here it is! I’m going to work my way through a chapter, (try to) apply it to my life, and write all about it right here! I’ll give you a brief summary of the lesson, whether or not I found it doable, and if I have actually noticed an impact on my physical or mental well being.

I know what you’re thinking. What qualifies me give out yoga advice? Absolutely nothing! I am not by any means giving yoga advice…I’m just giving this a try and reporting my honest results.

Why do I feel the need to share this? Primarily, to push myself to actually finish it. Having an audience definitely increases my chances of success, no? Secondly, I feel like there’s always value in an honest opinion from an average person. As you’ve probably already realized, I’m not some Birkenstock wearing, wheatgrass juice drinking hippie type. I would much rather a pair of stilettos and a glass of wine. I lead a pretty average life with a full time job. So, if something just isn’t doable for me, I’ll be sure to report just that! And I promise never to utter things like ‘we are all on the same path to enlightenment’ or anything of the sort.

The first chapter mentions observing the behavior of animals, so I did. Here is Jack during his morning practice. I’m kidding, he was bribed into these poses with treats.

Upward Dog

Upward Dog

He does love yoga mats though! Whenever I lay it out at home, he runs over and starts stretching on it. Probably because he thinks it must be playtime since I’m sitting on the ground.

Child's Pose

Child’s Pose

I would love to hear your thoughts on my little yoga challenge! Namaste!

2 thoughts on “Yoga For You

  1. Dad

    Journey just started. Long way to go. When you will get done with the book, feel free to talk to me about next level.

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